More iPhone Development with Swift

This is the big book on development, it will be in print by the end of the month, if you are eager to have a read, it is available in the alpha stage/early release. There are definitely lots of swift related code and tutorials, however I believe this is one book that you should have by your table. It touches upon many ways to achieve something. The book is focused on a lot of core technologies that you would skip otherwise. You can get your books and be the judge of what you think.
Link -> with Swift

If you are a purist and want to work with Objective-C instead, you might have to wait a bit as the Obj-C will be printed following the Swift book.
Link -> with Objective-C

and if you are someone that has shyed away from iOS or Xcode, you can brush up or learn about using Xcode to develop iOS applications in the book, Xcode 6 Esssentials from Packt (
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