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Set up an Apple Watch with eSim from Optus

I got myself an Apple Watch series 5, the review can be found here on the ReviewMe site. However there was an interesting thing about the watch, Since my phone service is with Optus, I looked at the Optus site for a plan. The Optus plan costs a minimum of $44/month for 24 months for a 44mm watch on a plan, which is $34 for the watch and $10 for the plan that offers 1 GB data and number sharing. Number sharing is the feature that uses the phone number from your phone plan and shares it with the Apple Watch with cellular functionality. Telstra on their website offer the Apple watch for $35/month on a 24 month plan. You can simply go and get an accessory from Telstra on a plan where as with Optus you have to buy the bundle. So the choices that I had were, 1. Buy the watch outright from Apple 2. Buy the watch on an interest free plan that costs $4.5 per month account keeping fees 3. Get the watch from Optus on a $44/month plan 4. Get the watch from Telstra for $35/month but no numbe...

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