Pick a colour, any colour...

There are limitations and then there are breakthroughs, Colour picking is one of the most commonly found dialog boxes on most platforms, and the moment you mention, the first thing that comes to mind if a circle like that was introduced in Painter (remember that since Windows 3.1 days) or the Photoshop type square block of colours.

Now, here's something I was working on that was part of a larger project, to be released soon in 2012 and one of the critical parts for this was to have a colour picker. I thought and looked for many options, there were not many that worked specially for use in CoronaSDK. I think this kind of just fits in and works fine. It is an early video that demonstrates how the colour picker can be used to change the brightness of the colours. So by the time you get to see this, I shall be working on populating the RGB values in the Text Boxes and changing the colour in the big block. Things I just forgot to fix before I made the video. Now just too lazy to capture another video.

This *could* be part of a custom control that you could use in your projects however, lets see ...

if you want to see, here's the video for you

Pricing, details, to come soon....


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