Create your own Function Library - Part #2
Hope you did enjoy the first part and learn a few things about using Lua Libraries. In Part 1 , we saw how to declare a library in Lua. Now let us look at creating slightly advance libraries that encompass their own functions.
Advanced Return Types
We have returned primitives in the last series from our functions, such as
Now, the advanced version of this could be
With this new library file, the way to access our functions will also change. Here's how to use such a library
With this new way to define, we can also have constants and members from the library that can be used.
Now to use it,
So we just saw how to have functions and members from a library handle. So let's make a test library for our custom math library.
Hope you have gotten an idea of how it all fits together and how a library of functions can be used to provide a set of functions that are part of an object.
In part 3 we shall look at furthering this concept to classes and objects.
As usual cheques and comments are welcome ;)
Advanced Return Types
We have returned primitives in the last series from our functions, such as
module(..., package.seeall) function oneString() return "one" end function oneInt() return 1 end
Now, the advanced version of this could be
module(...,package.seeall) function init() local returnObj = {} function returnObj:oneString() return "one" end function returnObj:oneInt() return 1 end return returnObj end
With this new library file, the way to access our functions will also change. Here's how to use such a library
local myFunc = require("library").init() print(myFunc:oneString()) print(myFunc:oneInt())
With this new way to define, we can also have constants and members from the library that can be used.
module(...,package.seeall) function init() local result = { ONE = 1, TWO = 2, THREE=3, } return result end
Now to use it,
local myFunc = require("library").init() print(myFunc.ONE) print(myFunc.TWO)
So we just saw how to have functions and members from a library handle. So let's make a test library for our custom math library.
module(..., package.seeall) function init() result = { DEBUG = false, ONE = "one", TWO = "two", THREE="three" } function result:add(a,b) return a+b end function result:sub(a,b) return a-b end return result end function description() print("This is a custom math library") end
Hope you have gotten an idea of how it all fits together and how a library of functions can be used to provide a set of functions that are part of an object.
In part 3 we shall look at furthering this concept to classes and objects.
As usual cheques and comments are welcome ;)
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