Taking Requests

If there is a particular thing that you wanted to learn about using Lua, please leave a comment for me and I'll try to create a tutorial for the same. So no requests = No tutorial, here's your chance to ask for help in what you want to know.


  1. Hey, great tutorials.

    I'm trying to create an accurate timer/stopwatch for a game.

    I have created some code, which I have just posted in the Corona Forums here


    The issue is, it runs slower than 'real time' and lags a few seconds behind a real stopwatch. This obviously becomes more apparent the longer it runs.

    Is this a good way to create this kind of timer? The logic seems right to me. However, if you have another, more accurate way then that would be useful.


  2. i'd like to see tutorial for tables and all thinks that one can do with them(shuffling, sorting, loops and so on)
    and tut for modules, like how to make proper UI yourself


  3. Good Start, let me see what I can do for these. In fact I was planning to have a series of tutes on card type games, where shuffling, sorting, etc come into play. it's all about time... ;) so I will also have a look at that, in fact I am lagging behind on a few of my things too, so need to fix the timer :D

  4. @iNSERT.CODE are you happy with the solution provided by jesterxl on the forums? I guess that is a better alternative, no point in skinning a skinned cat, really.




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