WIP : Eval routine for CoronaSDK
The sandboxed environment of CoronaSDK disables a few routines that make lua flexible, however for those that have worked with javascript, would recollect that there is a wonderful function called eval. This can be passed an expression that is evaluated. I even recollect using it in Shell Scripting where you can assign the results of an eval to a variable and then continue working with that. How can I do that in Corona?
I was working on another project where I needed some kind of parsing when I thought why not show what I have. There are plenty of half-baked projects lying around on my hdd, I had hoped to put them together in a cookbook for a publisher, that's another story...
back to this, here's a video to demonstrate the eval routine, it is a bit buggy but it works fine for smaller expressions. If I get the chance I will extend it to respect the BODMAS (Brackets, Ordinals Division Multiplication Addition Substraction) the order in which the expressions are evaluated.
so for now, enjoy the video...
That is the UI bit that is showing you the results, etc.
I was working on another project where I needed some kind of parsing when I thought why not show what I have. There are plenty of half-baked projects lying around on my hdd, I had hoped to put them together in a cookbook for a publisher, that's another story...
back to this, here's a video to demonstrate the eval routine, it is a bit buggy but it works fine for smaller expressions. If I get the chance I will extend it to respect the BODMAS (Brackets, Ordinals Division Multiplication Addition Substraction) the order in which the expressions are evaluated.
so for now, enjoy the video...
local text = native.newTextField(20,40,280,30,nil) local button = display.newRect(100,120,120,30) button:setFillColor(255,255,255) button:addEventListener("tap",function() local res = eval(text.text) native.showAlert("Result",res,{"OK"},nil) end)
That is the UI bit that is showing you the results, etc.
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